Wednesday, 8 April 2015

How to Hide Column in Export Data from SSRS Report

Step by Step How to Hide Column in Export csv from SSRS Report

Here I will explain How to Hide column information in Export data from SSRS Report to CSV or XML, PDF etc.

In Reporting services includes a set of renderers, also referred to as rendering extensions are used to export reports to different formats. Generally Data renderers are used to
• Restrict all formatting and layout information from the report and display only the data import from report into another file type, such as Excel, CSV, and XML.
• The width and height of the pages like in WebPages and PDF files.
• The size of the report body like A4, Letter, Legal.
• The width and height of report items.

But today in this article I would discuss about the Hide columns in Export csv from ssrs report.

1. First to create a simple report of Person Details

2. Export PersonDetails from report to Person.csv file.
2.1. Right click on report Exprot --> Excel option.

2.2. Save as the file with PersonDetails.xls

2.3. Display the PersonDetails.xls

3. But i want to hide the columns of PersonType in the Excel file.
3.1. In the Design browser select PersonType column in PersonDetails table.
Rightclick on PersonType column --> Column Visibility option.

3.2. Just add this in “Show or Hide Based on an expression” in column property.

3.3. Write the following Expression on Expression Box
IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCEL", True, False)

3.4.Build the Report
3.5.Again exprt the data from SSRS report to Result_PersonDetails table.

3.6.Display the Result_PersonDetails table.

Let me know what you think about this tutorial.


  1. Did not work for me :(

  2. Try =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML",false,true)
